Hike with Entomologist Kristaps Vilks (July 2024)
The hike with entomologist and expert on the everyday life of forests and bogs, Kristaps Vilks, is an exciting and educational experience. It offers a leisurely and accessible walk for both swift and not-so-swift walkers. Through the researcher's simple and clear stories, participants gain an understanding of what happens in the forest and nature, and where humans fit into this rich world.
We were fortunate to be briefly joined by a passing deer, and were accompanied on the forest path by chanterelles, blueberries, and lingonberries. However, it is during the hike that you learn what each small excavation or the marks on tree bark mean, and how and where to best gather forest treasures.
Perhaps the biggest surprise and delight was that all the activities and stories about what was happening in the forest were based on what could be seen in nature at that very moment. This is a reason to return to the forest with Kristaps during another season and in different weather conditions, as there are still many stories in his vast knowledge to share about how to feel as a part of nature and not out of place in it.
Gunta, Participant of the 4th Livonian Summer University in Košrags.
Spring hike (May 6th, 2024)
From the Pine Trail parking lot, we headed to the Ragmeži Hills, then to the Dumbrkalni, a black pine grove, the Dumbru homestead, and onward to the highest coastal cliff section along the Irbe Strait. We continued through the Jaunstamsti ravine, exploring a nearly 40-year-old burnt area. After a moment of silence at the forgotten, vandalized German cemetery, we followed Ventiņa road, passing Loikodreks, and reached the beautiful Vecročupīte ravine. Finally, we approached the Vaide pond, marking the end of our hike. Along the way, we enjoyed the natural scenery, observed animal activity, and listened to birds in the sky and forest.
A big thank you to Vilnis Skuja for leading the hike and sharing his insightful nature stories!
Route Length: ~10 km. Duration: 4.5 hours.
Winter life in Slītere (December 26th, 2023)
Start: Pēterezers Nature Trail parking lot, 10:30 AM.
End Location: Mazirbe, at the Livonian People’s House (drivers will be transported back to their cars)
Recommendations: Dress warmly for the weather, as most of the hike will be spent moving. Bring hot tea and a tasty outdoor lunch. Enjoy forest exercises with various obstacles.
Autumn in the forest (November 4th, 2023)
Join us for a new tradition - a hike in nature! Our first event, "Autumn in the Forest," aims to showcase the forest during its most subdued season. We'll search for the last remaining mushrooms, bird droppings, animal tracks, and deer antlers. Mosses and lichens, which stand out brilliantly against the forest backdrop this time of year, will be a highlight. The hike will be led by biologist Ritvars Rekmanis.
Start Location: Košrags "Pītagi", 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM
Route Length: 3-4 km, difficulty Level is medium.
Recommendations: Bring water and snacks. Suitable for all ages, though strollers are not recommended.